Saturday, July 16, 2011

Erection, user manual ...

The erection is a natural phenomenon by which the penis elongates and hardens. It can be caused by sexual arousal. But not only! Nocturnal erections are triggered without any stimulation. Prolonged erections can also be a sign of underlying pathology. Short tour of the question, to understand how an erection ...

An erection, what is it?
Erection is the hardening of the penis, usually as a result of sexual arousal. The male expands and grows, and can even double in size and volume. It also stands up to the belly. In erection, the penis is ready for penetration. However, the erection is not the male sex organs, the clitoris also experiencing an erection!

An erection, how does it work?
Contrary to what some think, in terms of erection, the brain that control! Usually, it receives signals of sexual arousal by stimulating sight, touch, hearing and even smell. It will pass these signals in the form of nerve impulses that go down to the erector nerves of the penis. These nerves control the three erectile bodies of the penis: the two corpora cavernous and corpus spongiosum. They then fill with blood, which will stiffen the penis. In the same time, the muscles at the base of the penis constrict, preventing blood back down.

Erection problems
The main erectile dysfunction is impotence. It refers to the inability to have an erection to allow satisfactory sexual intercourse. Its causes may be physiological, psychological, or more often. There are many effective treatments, which obviously depend on the cause. Conversely, some men suffer from persistent and prolonged erections, without any sexual desire. The mechanism that allows blood to drain from the penis is in fact disrupted, and the penis is turgid even after ejaculation. This is known as priapism, caused by neurological disorders or diseases (syphilis, leukemia ...). This condition must be taken very seriously because this condition can be complicated by thrombosis or even gangrene. Are advised to consult very quickly. Finally, the normal curvature of the erect penis may worsen so problematic. This is known as Peyronie's disease. It most often affects middle-aged men. It is due to sclerosis of a portion of the corpora cavernosa, which is known about the origin. This disease can make erection painful and sometimes prevent penetration. But there are several treatments, very effective.

And nocturnal erections?
Erections also occur at night during sleep. And more often than you think! On average, an adult male known 4 / 5 episodes of erections during the night. These nocturnal erections may last longer, up to 20 minutes. They occur during REM sleep. Specifically, they accompany the phases of rapid eye movement, where sleep is the deepest. And contrary to popular belief, these erections have nothing to do with a possible erotic dream. They accompany the rhythm of sleep just the body. No need to fantasize, then!

Did you know?
The average size of vagina excited state is 12 cm. The average size of the erect penis is 14 cm. Nature is well done, is not it?