Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jealousy: Is it normal in a couple?

Is it normal to be jealous towards his or her partner? In truth, it depends on the degree of jealousy that exists between you two ... Some live and some of the rather well, but for others it is a disaster! Read this article and see immediately what form of jealousy hanging over your relationship.

The "little" jealous ...

It is understandable that in some cases, especially when the couple settled in doubt, there is appearance of jealousy. Jealousy is often linked to fear of abandonment and lack of love ... and if it does not fall into excess, it can be understood.

But your "little" jealousy become great, if you start to follow your half, to spy, to watch his texting and listening to his telephone conversations by hiding behind a door ... There, he will then worry about and realize that your jealousy is not normal.

Men, women, on equal terms ...
Men and women are equal before the feeling of jealousy ... But what's different is the strong tendency of men to display and explode at the slightest opportunity. The jealous man is more likely to want an explanation, while the woman will ignore. The man will feel more easily threatened in his masculinity and his instinct for possession.

Do you have good reason to be jealous?
jealousy is healthy and unimportant ... It can sometimes even be beneficial for the couple, awakening feelings of love ran away a little too deeply, because of the routine, time, the daily routine and stress. But the frenzy of jealousy, that makes it unhealthy is often the tyranny and may not be acceptable. The slightest gesture, the least sentence becomes subject to multiple interpretations and suspicion often absurd and unusual! This form of jealousy can destroy everything, and love, and life.

Respect and trust ...
Respect and trust are the two key words to keep in mind though, when jealousy begins to emerge. The best is probably to talk to your partner. Without you win, admit him how you feel and what hurts you deep inside you. The dialogue will always be one of the keys of the happy couple ...

Jealousy, if it does not become obsessive may be acceptable, beneficial and may even disappear as quickly as it appeared. To this extent, jealousy is considered normal. In addition, it should consult a psychologist who will surely find the cause of this evil so violent.