Friday, May 20, 2011

Looking to the dream woman

Looking for the ideal partner women fall into the same trap again and again: you get the type of man she had also always been. The fatal mechanisms that occur during development are, for those concerned to see difficult, as psychologists report.
Trouble because of his untidiness, too little attention to dispute or macho posturing: What a woman at the beginning of a relationship is even more appealing is the new partner, after the initial honeymoon period usually considered a nuisance.

California Dream Men before the predator cage in the Berlin Zoo: women seek in vain the supposed soul mate to make them fit
"When choosing partners meets the saying 'opposites attract'," says Matthias Hipler, couples therapist and pastor of the Hessian Dautphetal. "Women strive for wholeness and a man looking at the comparison with properties that they themselves have not." The Communicative striving after feeding, let the Ordinary dress of one chaotic. Keeping in mind the opinion of the experts but not women, that they will soon go the Sexy on your nerves. Dating Ad Contact eDarling warranty at: Find your Dream partner!
Why women their eyes always on the same type of man addressed, who have not previously been in the past done well, psychologist Isabelle explains everywhere from Munich: "Play at the partner choice unconsciously one's early childhood relationship patterns play a role." The behavior between mother, father and child In the first three years of life shapes for the rest of life. In its own partnerships it is repeated later similar.
"The trouble here is that this is still familiar to the women a sense of security," says everywhere that in a marriage, partnership working and family counseling. To break this vicious circle, we need the opinion of the psychologist is often a profound experience. "This is repeated until a separation was very dramatic, and the woman start to notice that something is wrong."
"Women must learn that it is possible, even to live alone," says family therapist from Berlin Ulrike Luise Eckhardt. If women are to themselves, then they realize that the partner they do not own to survive. Important is the recognition that women can not change men, even if the often stated goal was. "Everyone has ideals, how to be the partner. If these ideas do not fit the partners, one tries to make him fit. "
"This is a misconception of women," warns couples therapist Hipler. Dear women should start from eighth on a healthy degree of correlation. "You should not keep on the lookout for the man who is completely different."
Seems our own relationship patterns undurchbrechbar, professional help may also be used. "Therapists ask the right questions and arrive quicker at the critical point," says everywhere. With professional help could the ideal of men developed, worked the past relationships and new limits are set. "If I only have this awareness, I sort of even faster."