Thursday, June 16, 2011

New love ... 5 questions to get it right!

1) Are your hormones talking?
At the beginning of a passionate love, when you have the feeling of having been struck by lightning, hit the arrow of Cupid, hormones tend to take the power of reason. You are on a cloud all pink, drugged with love ... and it is not necessarily what is best to use discretion face a common future. The only solution? You leave a little time to let off pressure delivered by your hormones. In some time, you may see more clearly.

2) What are its shortcomings?
For now, he or she is the perfect partner, you do know him no fault ... Cheesy, do not you think? If when your friends or loved ones try to clear up your lantern on the subject, and you deny everything block rather to put forward his qualities ... ouch, ouch, ouch ... We'll have to calm down! Listen to your friends, do not do not listen, take their comments into consideration and try to see specifically if they are right. Anyway, one thing is certain, no one is perfect, it will be that you find these defects!

3) Get the social?

One thing is certain, you are not a psychologist or assistant (e) social, or one of its parents ... So if your new love has a problem, you can help, sure, but you should not be her surrogate therapist or his crutch. Moreover, this relationship may well get bored and drive of his life a fragile person is never easy. So ask yourself this ultimate question: Your love you used it? PROVEN there a vital need for your presence to survive? If so, give a rather good place to start therapy.

4) Have you already played?
You do not argue, or rather you do everything to avoid any dispute, it is neither good nor healthy ... By dint of always crush you and him or her household, you may appear as a person without character or feelings, or worse to store too much anger and resentment over the length for any one day send the Air! Good advice: do you dispute, talk, share ... This is the best way to discover the true personality of your partner.

5) Are you a view of the change?
Even love has never changed person, we can certainly improve, but not change! So if you have decided to change the person who is on your side, you poke your finger in the eye. Remember the adage: "Hunt the natural, it is galloping! "... Indeed, this is exactly what could happen! It will be more than window dressing, and once the first stage of the passion of love close, you might wake up next to someone you do not recognize ...

You start a new relationship and you're not sure where you step, or, everything looks so beautiful, so pink ... Stop, ask yourself the right questions and let time take its course, do not rush!