Friday, September 16, 2011

How to seduce a man ... the answer!

How can we ensure that all eyes of men look to you? How to stir up their desire to become an object of desire? You dream of having a secret all to your feet ... With, you will turn you into an irresistible femme fatale in just 5 steps!

The dream ...

One of the great secrets of a femme fatale is the dreams she has ... Instilling the desire when we won the other is important! With a simple look, a little word, a gesture innocuous, you want to give you. But to do this, you must give the impression to men that we know what they want ... and make them believe that you are the only one who can offer it! And that's where the dream becomes reality. And if that was the secret of seduction? We'll have to make you an ideal image for the one you'll win. It must be identified to get there. Or, just guessing. Thus, the target man will feel confident and sure of himself.

Knowing your identity!
We must first know yourself and really know who you are to stand out compared to others. Thus, you can claim unique and special. Love you! It is at this point that you can flourish in a relationship and seduce each other.

Do you trust!
Self-confidence is acquired over time and is never spontaneous. Do not avoid contact with someone who attracts you, thinking that it is impossible or doomed to failure. Instead, make contact. And if it does not work, pull into the consequences and analyze it. Thus, you can change your attitude and optimize it for next time. Never think in terms of failure!

Privacy: lift the veil a little ...
Once your privacy is built, logically you would like to share. This will tell you so in the game of seduction. Try to share (without necessarily giving all) certain thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs ... but also your dreams , and of course your fantasies!

Essential emotional intelligence
Each emotion is preparing to act a certain way. So, rather than to flee their emotions, better learn to use them intelligently! We must overcome his fears in order to be comfortable and very relaxed in order to seduce the other. Able to adapt to any situation very quickly is a major asset that saves time ... but also of conquest! Be positive no matter what, stay natural (either you like it as you are, this is not the case and do you no good to invent a character). You must also be attentive to your partner and your interest in what he says (it's better to bounce on a subject). Finally, you can set off a light, but the first physical contact: touching the arm, touch the hand or leg ...

And here are some ideas of what to do to become a seasoned seductress!