Sunday, September 25, 2011


Each of us longs for love. But is the sharing of everyday life, bed, table and neurotic patterns really all we want?

A relationship in the spiritual sense says:
My weaknesses to see your weaknesses. Do you think we dance together and be stronger together?
Where are you, who feels what I suffered, thinking what I thought, who knows what I realized?

Where are you, brother of my soul?
In deep solitude I go my way. Even people who are close to me to have me really far. Nobody understands the recognizes understands. I still believe that you exist. For you, brother, friend, lover I want to write
And when we meet only in those valleys of the nebula, which belong to another world. There we will go together and we finally find, at last. My heart longs for you, my beloved. Where are the days when we are united in the heavenly dance through the air flying? Against a sun that did not burn, but our souls warmed and healed. How we loved and had sworn never again to separate us. The time demanded their victim, and since then I go alone. The intimate chord in me, my love is true, you. When are you coming? When will we find ourselves in that punch that will never end? As you look now, brother of my soul? Far is only my memory of your image. When we meet again, I'll recognize you by your eyes. At the depth of the look of your love, your concern for me that I had to spend so long without you. We have promised and rediscover my love, if time and space allow us. And again I ask: When are you coming? The order was: Finding Peace ohn s you. The wheel of learning, which further drives us all wrote to me - far too long have you lived with him in security - now, the goal is: Calm your heart grow, grow strong, without him. If your job is done, you'll find it again

Obviously I was a long time ago, emerged as these lines, a very bright thing that longed for the soul partners - that mysterious second half, which we ostensibly from the beginning of time, and by which we - this doctrine by - already spent some lives. And apparently, I understood even then that this one man is not so readily fall into our lap, but you must toil for it somehow.
Honestly, what exactly do you mean when you say "I love you"? Could that besides the expression of a certain tenderness (hopefully!) also mean: "I need you so that you care for me, I am plagued with the children must not solo, regular sex takes place, no one calls me single and I do not even fucking 'm alone? And do not leave me, or I die. "

The author and tarot expert Gerd Ziegler writes: "What many people" love is called "a mixture of fears, needs, expectations, possessiveness and mutual dependence. Of course there are also moments of deep connection and happiness, but despite everything, is the reality in most partnerships are more influenced by a juxtaposition as one of cooperation. "
Who of us but not even the idea of ​​romantic love in which the couple riding in a red-hot sun, into everlasting happiness? No man wants to know what happens when X has taken hero heroine Y in his strong arms and the word "end" indicates that it is time to leave the cinema. Somewhere between this alluring sunsets and the cliché "I need you because ..." is the mystery of a deep and genuine partnership.

What does it mean to have a spiritual relationship? Contrary to the impression which could leave the word "spiritual" Perhaps it is not, from now on only in a monastery to pray and to reject any sexual activity as the devil's work. Rather, it means that me and my partner is aware: "I am composed of a very specific reason with precisely the people. We both have important things to learn together and it is the sense of partnership that is more from each, not less. This process can be breathtakingly beautiful and profoundly frightening. But each of us is wholeheartedly committed to do his best. The question is not "What will I get?" But "What can I learn here?" Part of the learning process may also be to go at the right time when the problems are no longer the growth, but destroy. " That is a comforting concept in contrast to "normal" relationships, in which war, boredom, the game "You can not restrict me, may I ensure that when you also" prevail, or a self-arranging.

The spiritual teacher and bestselling author Marianne Williamson writes: "Few people realize how powerful a true love relationship to physical and emotional healing. It satisfies our need for adventure, meaning, magic and enchanted an emotional bond with another person on the deepest level. " But with so much price, the gods are known to have set very much sweat. The path often leads to deep fulfillment through dark valleys of pain, which may just trigger a committed relationship. Marianne Williamson: "Real love is comforting and reassuring, but usually not from the beginning. We must first break the shell that hides our own heart. It can require hours of tears, to bring the hard shell to melt that surrounds our delicate insides - tears for any past pain, loss or humiliating failure that comes through the relationship to the surface. Allow people to these tears are no losers, but truly courageous. Because: First comes the pain and then the force. First, it breaks my heart and then rises. "

Can it really be the meaning of a love relationship, to let old wounds break open? Strangely enough, yes. We need to make visible the wounds, they choose f u, so that they can heal. Only a person who is really close to us can do that. Marianne Williamson: "The light of love is destined to the weird, painful aspects of our soul to appear on every piece of past brokenness that lies hidden under the rocks in our hearts. But in this rocky grave is our energy, passion and vitality. Apparently dead, but only sleeping. Genuine love will push away the rocks and liberate our hearts. "No really lover comes around it, to confront the deepest level with his own soul. So many emotions come to the surface, we have pushed for a lifetime: fear and panic, anger, hatred, jealousy, resentment, or an immense sadness. For who will open for the love, opens for the pain.

Is this the reason why many people say though, they are looking for love, but at the same time have such a fear? Each of us was hurt in any way. Perhaps we have not received as a child, what we needed so desperately, were mistreated, cheated later under circumstances that left and betrayed. At some point, then in the subconscious conviction imposed: The close relationship with a loved one = Pain = destruction. As a result we are now trying instinctively to situations and people go out of the way, remind us of past suffering. This makes our life a mix of escape, denial and eggshells. "Love relationships" are then affairs, in a nutshell, or a choice of partners identified, which excludes real close from the outset. Thus, we deny ourselves everything that fills life with magic: warmth, security and deep affection. If however you're getting into a real love relationship, you suddenly look exactly the experience in the face, because you have closed long ago love. Now not to flee, it means a real chance. It is as if Cupid's arrow would say: "Stay where you are. There is something to learn, teach and heal, "The eternal cycle of fear -. Pain - flight, we practice maybe even a lifetime is over. We have the opportunity to feel the terrible pain but again, this time they manage to but different from, and then let go forever.

What conditions need a spiritual partnership?

Honest commitment of both partners, which means that anyone from my heart says "yes" and does his best - for themselves, others and the relationship
The seclusion of your own heart and the possible fear of closeness to admit and make history consciously, which is one of them. Select the appropriate sense of f u, and the deep sincere desire to love (again!) to open. This means to the other show really, with all the known bugs and thousands of injuries.

Do not wait for de n Soul Mate
Each partner is a learning opportunity: who I am, what I want and what I want. Do not run it now, when things are difficult, but be sensitive to whether there really is a learning process proceeds, should be admitted or whether it is a horror without end. Not every relationship is permanent and the learning step can also mean to say no to a destructive experience, "no." Spiritual Partnership is not to remain in pathogenic situations. But to reject a man because he does not meet 100% of the ideal, is perhaps to exclude an important experience.
A resounding "no" to destruction in any form. Give people a clear rejection destructive mechanisms. -However, also the corresponding section in itself!
-Look through projections of its own "shadow". We tend to project displaced material on each other and accuse him then to do just that. Whatever excites us about him or disturb a correlation has as a theme within us and is also processed there. That does not mean to tolerate emotional or physical abuse. But ask in this case: where I was abusing myself?
-Good communication is the foundation of any relationship. Listen empathetically to go to another one and make sure that the other does the same with you
-Learn to love yourself and to make them happy
-Let go of what constrains, tortures, small holding or bored. Find out what your heart says yes, and really make it the most important goal in life to be happy. Love can be a huge mountain, a raging storm, a cool breeze, a relaxing bath. But in their vicinity is always fire. And this fire is the greatest gift. In a spiritual partnership is not our heart burn, but ballast, which no longer belongs to us. And do not give up. At some point you have understood your lessons so intense that the time is ripe to meet him

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